Eggs on Eggs
Eggs on Eggs
Serves 2
4 fresh eggs
- ¼ cup of crème fråiche (optional)
- half a lemon (optional)
- Himalayan Sea Salt (optional)
- 2 ounces of CCC Trout or Salmon Roe
Eggs on Eggs
Soft boil eggs to your liking, add a dollop of créme fråiche, scatter roe, add light squeeze of lemon and tiny pinch of sea salt to taste - bon appetite!

Sake Infused Trout Roe
Sake Infused Trout Roe is perfect for adding another level of color and texture to your dishes. This delicate floral and fruitiness of safe infuses nicely with the crisp, fresh flavor of trout roe making this caviar a must for sushi. Sake Infused Trout Roe is perfect for adding another level of color and texture to your dishes..

Porcelain Egg Cups
A set of four. See our recipe for soft scrambled eggs in these eggshells, topped with crème fraiche and our Truffle Infused White Sturgeon caviar.